Discipleship Groups


Discipleship Groups gather throughout the year to provide our members with opportunities to fellowship, pray, and learn from God’s Word with other committed Christians. These small groups carry with it the mission to build up brothers and sisters in the Lord by close, accountable, and committed fellowship. It is our desire that each member will grow in friendship with one another and that these friendships will help us grow as followers of Jesus.

The main focus of our groups is to grow in Christ together.

Grow in Christ
The Christian life is about pursuit and growth. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, to walk in the newness of life that God has accomplished and given us through Christ. As we do, we are transformed more and more into the image of Jesus. Yet, this work is not done alone. 

Growing in Christ is done in the context and with the support of a community. It is in this God-ordained community where Christians grow and thrive as we point one another to Jesus. As we do so, we help one another grow in maturity by fighting sin and reminding each other of the gospel.

This pursuit of growing in Christ together is the essence and goal of Christian discipleship. It is our hope that as we pursue and grow in Jesus together, we will become a more joyful, resilient, compassionate, and missional community. We hope that the truths of the gospel would become more beautiful and tangible in our own hearts and lives, and that we would see the worth of laboring for the gospel in our homes, workplaces, and our relationships. Together, we help and encourage one another in this on-going process of maturing in Christ. As we grow in Christ together, both leaders and members of the group will be strengthened, encouraged, and propelled to live out the mission of the church: namely, to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19-20). 

To learn more, please contact Pastor Eric at eric.yang@maranathagrace.org.